Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Narbonne 2008 Round 4 - Lesson 4

look at the whole board! this might sound obvious but take my round 4 game. i had the white pieces against a 1775 player, and felt i stood a lot better. the opening was a caro-kann nimzowich and my opponent had begun to play some 'off-beat' moves. in the position below i was focussed on 2 tactical ideas: the e-file with white's Q and black's K; and the h2-b8 diagonal where i wanted to put my B to attack the Q. I was trying to make the tactics work, playing my B to f4 to provoke black into pushing his pawn to e5.

if i had been surveying the board as a whole, i would have noticed that if i start with 20.c5, then black must move the bishop on to the a-file, so his rook at a8 is no longer protecting the pawn on a4. then my 21.Bf4 would provoke 21...e5. although the tactics involving the e-file and the h2-b8 diagonal don't work, after 22.dxe5 Nxe5 i will be able to play Qxa4 safely (probably after exchanging rooks on d8 in the case of 20...Ba7).

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