Sunday, May 20, 2012

I'm back!

Where to start? Since my last posts, I've moved from Montpellier, France to Athens, USA. I'm still playing chess. My USCF grade has yo-yo'd a bit. Currently 1696 but I'm hoping that is an underestimate. I recently beat a player rated >2000. My tactics are a bit foggy, as the game shows. I'm using the website "chess tempo" to work on that. Meanwhile, enjoy the game.

Play chess online

1 comment:

andrew said...

In case you're interested my first tactical oversight was: 22. g5? where I had calculated 23. hxg5 hxg5 24. Bxg5 Nxg5 25. Nxg5 Bxg5 26. Qh5 Be4 defending. I had forgotten that the N on g5 would be covering e4 making my defense impossible. However, 24...f6 leads to a murky that line that computers suggest gives compensation to black - so my opponent avoided all this with 24. Bd2. The second mistake was 43...Kf7? which was played to break a pin, but in fact just created another. 44. Nxe6! Rxe6 45. Rxd7+ and we both missed this (thankfully).