Wednesday, April 30, 2008

inside the mind of a grandmaster

i recently came across Maxim Dlugy's web page ( if you follow the link to his 'game center' you can play through some important games in Maxim's chess career (which included winning the world junior championship ahead of Anand and Ivanchuk).

the nice thing about this page, is that Maxim explains the plans during his games in simple verbal form. you can 'click' through the moves with the interactive chessboard and even explore alternative variations that Maxim considers important. i think this is a great resource for the improving player. i hope Maxim adds more games to this collection.

1 comment:

timhortons knight chess blog said...

hi! how things, i read about youre post regarding gm dlugy, hes one of the grandmaster who i think was able to balance his life in chess, business and family, hes a strong player and once upon a time the best blitz player in the world, hes not lossin touch, look at his rating at icc in bullet and blitz.

he's abusinessman working on wall street, whew! and playing chess i think is just a relaxation for him